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آخرین مطالب


  1. AHMADI, Ph.D.

MARCH 2015

    1. . Deviant Behavior ↑
    2. . Deviance ↑
    3. . Social Deviance ↑
    4. . Delinquent Behavior ↑
    5. . Juvenile Delinquency ↑
    6. . Shoemaker ↑
    7. . High Risk Behaviors ↑
    8. . Jessor ↑
    9. . Risk Taking ↑
    10. . Anteghini et al., ↑
    11. . Sychareun et al., ↑
    12. . Pena et al., ↑
    13. . Harel-Fisch et al., ↑
    14. . Wang et al., ↑
    15. . Walton et al., ↑
    16. . James et al., ↑
    17. . Snipes & Benotsch ↑
    18. . Langenderfer ↑
    19. . Baskin-Sommers & Sommers ↑
    20. . Flisher & Chalton ↑
    21. . Canterbury et al., ↑
    22. . Center for Disease Control and Prevention ↑
    23. . Bergman & Scott ↑
    24. . Deterrence ↑
    25. . Social Skill ↑
    26. . Kartledge and Milbern ↑
    27. . Matson ↑
    28. . Phillips ↑
    29. . Hargie ↑
    30. . Communication Skills ↑
    31. . Vagan ↑
    32. . Arsalan ↑
    33. . Furnham ↑
    34. . Levine & Coupey ↑
    35. . Bull et al., ↑
    36. . Catherine ↑
    37. Saint Augustine ↑
    38. Canterbury ↑
    39. Saint Thomas D’Aquin ↑
    40. Thomas More ↑
    41. . Gassin ↑
    42. . Sumner ↑
    43. . Wongtongkam et al., ↑
    44. Tucker et al., ↑
    45. . Holt et al., ↑
    46. . Yu ↑
    47. . Ferreira et al., ↑
    48. . Kuvaas et al., ↑
    49. . Sorsdahl et el., ↑
    50. Varvil-Weld et al., ↑
    51. Lowry et al., ↑
    52. . Adjusted Prevalence Ratios ↑
    53. . Khamis ↑
    54. . Ozdemir et al., ↑
    55. . Falco et al., ↑
    56. . Boutwell et al., ↑
    57. . Van Vugt et al., ↑
    58. Dinnebeil et al., ↑
    59. Staksrud et al., ↑
    60. Hamama & Ronen-Shenhav ↑
    61. . Dudovitz et al., ↑
    62. . Wang et al., ↑
    63. Tu et al., ↑
    64. . Simoes & Matos ↑
    65. Koiv ↑
    66. . Laird et al., ↑
    67. Gutierrez & Atienzo ↑
    68. Factor et al., ↑
    69. . Berry & O ‘Connor ↑
    70. Leslie et al., ↑
    71. . Secer et al., ↑
    72. . Kansas Reflection-Impulsivity Scale ↑
    73. . Kindergarten Problem Behavior Scale ↑
    74. Wang et al., ↑
    75. . Barkin et al., ↑
    76. Lombroso ↑
    77. Crews ↑
    78. Della Porte ↑
    79. Physiognomy ↑
    80. . Marsh et al., ↑
    81. Lavater ↑
    82. Gall ↑
    83. Pinel ↑
    84. Quetelet ↑
    85. Tarde ↑
    86. Broca ↑
    87. Criminal Man ↑
    88. Ferri ↑
    89. Criminal Sociology ↑
    90. Garofalo ↑
    91. Criminology ↑
    92. Classicism ↑
    93. Self-Seeking ↑
    94. Self-Interest ↑
    95. Voluntaristic ↑
    96. White & Hains ↑
    97. Punishment ↑
    98. Pleasure – Pain Principle ↑
    99. Beccaria ↑
    100. Bentham ↑
    101. Siegel ↑
    102. Positivism Approach ↑
    103. Biological Positivism ↑
    104. Born Criminal ↑
    105. Goring ↑
    106. The English Convict ↑
    107. Sheldon ↑
    108. Body Build ↑
    109. Endomorph ↑
    110. Mesomorph ↑
    111. Ectomorph ↑
    112. Chromosomal Complement ↑
    113. Genetic ↑
    114. Biochemical Contributions ↑
    115. Metabolic Processes ↑
    116. Psychopysiological Variables ↑
    117. Psychopharmacological Inducements ↑
    118. Psychological Positivism ↑
    119. Psychoanalytic Theory ↑
    120. Personality ↑
    121. Environmental Factors ↑
    122. Nature & Nurture ↑
    123. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis ↑
    124. Wilson ↑
    125. Dawkins ↑
    126. The Selfish Gene ↑
    127. Ellis ↑
    128. The Decline and Fall of Sociology ↑
    129. Biosocial Explanations ↑
    130. Eysenck ↑
    131. Quetelet ↑
    132. Durkheim ↑
    133. Guerry ↑
    134. Cartographic School of Criminology ↑
    135. . Beirne & Messerschmidt ↑
    136. University of Chicago ↑
    137. Small ↑
    138. Chicago School ↑
    139. Thomas ↑
    140. Park ↑
    141. Burgess ↑
    142. Wirth ↑
    143. ۹. Merton ↑
    144. ۱۰. Shaw and McKay ↑
    145. ۱۱. Sutherland ↑
    146. Cohen ↑
    147. Miller ↑
    148. ۱۴. Cloward and Ohlin ↑
    149. ۱۵. Becker ↑
    150. ۱۶. Matza ↑
    151. ۱۷. Hirschi ↑
    152. ۱۸. Gottfredson ↑
    153. Social Structure Theories ↑
    154. Social Process Theories ↑
    155. Social Conflict Theories ↑
    156. Developmental(Integrated) Theories ↑
    157. Social Disorganization Theory ↑
    158. Strain Theory ↑
    159. Cultural Deviance Theory ↑
    160. . Ecological Theory ↑
    161. . Shaw and McKay ↑
    162. ۲. Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas ↑
    163. . Piquero et al., ↑
    164. Routine Activities Theory ↑
    165. Cohen & Felson ↑
    166. Esbensen et al., ↑
    167. Seifert ↑
    168. Durkheim ↑
    169. Anomie ↑
    170. Kendall ↑
    171. ۴. Crime ↑
    172. ۵. Offense ↑
    173. Merton ↑
    174. Strain Theory ↑
    175. . Parker & Mowen ↑
    176. ۱. Conformity ↑
    177. ۲. Innovation ↑
    178. ۳. Ritualism ↑
    179. ۴. Retreatism ↑
    180. ۵. Rebellion ↑
    181. ۶. Deviant response ↑
    182. ۱. Maladaptation ↑
    183. Relative Deprivation ↑
    184. Agnew ↑
    185. Failure to achieve positively valued goals ↑
    186. Removal of positively valued stimuli ↑
    187. Presentation of negative stimuli ↑
    188. Disjunction of Expectations and Achievements ↑
    189. Messner & Rosenfeld ↑
    190. Crime and the American Dream ↑
    191. Institutional Anomie Theory ↑
    192. American Dream ↑
    193. ۵. Individualism ↑
    194. ۶. Universalism ↑
    195. Clinard & Meier ↑
    196. ۲. Institutional balance of power ↑
    197. Independent Subcultures ↑
    198. Cultural Transmission ↑
    199. Sellin ↑
    200. Culture Conflict and Crime ↑
    201. Conduct Norms ↑
    202. Cusson ↑
    203. . Cohen ↑
    204. . Delinquent Boys ↑
    205. Ferrel ↑
    206. Berg & Stewart ↑
    207. . Miller ↑
    208. Focal Concerns ↑
    209. Trouble ↑
    210. Toughness ↑
    211. Smartness ↑
    212. Excitement ↑
    213. Fate ↑
    214. Autonomy ↑
    215. Cloward and Ohlin ↑
    216. Delinquency and Opportunity ↑
    217. Youth Gangs ↑
    218. Differential Opportunities ↑
    219. Code of Streets ↑
    220. Anderson ↑
    221. Decent Values ↑
    222. Brown et al., ↑
    223. Street Values ↑
    224. Respect ↑
    225. Social Process Theories ↑
    226. Social Learning Theory ↑
    227. Social Control Theory ↑
    228. Social Reaction Theory(Labeling Theory) ↑
    229. Siegel & Welsh ↑
    230. Sutherland ↑
    231. Differential Association ↑
    232. Principles of Criminology ↑
    233. Cressey ↑
    234. Laws of Imitation ↑
    235. Tarde ↑
    236. Lombrosian ↑
    237. . Brauer & Bolen ↑
    238. Symbolic Interaction ↑
    239. ۱۰. Mead ↑
    240. Cressey ↑
    241. White-Collar Crime ↑
    242. Glaser ↑
    243. Differential Identification ↑
    244. Differential Reinforcement Theory ↑
    245. Akers ↑
    246. Burgess ↑
    247. Neutralization Theory ↑
    248. Matza ↑
    249. Sykes ↑
    250. ۴. Denial of Responsibility ↑
    251. ۱. Denial of Injury ↑
    252. ۲. Denial of Victim ↑
    253. ۳. Condemnation of Condemners ↑
    254. ۴. Appeal to Higer Loyalties ↑
    255. Reckless ↑
    256. Containment ↑
    257. Social Bond Theory ↑
    258. Hirschi ↑
    259. Causes of Delinquency ↑
    260. . Parker & Mowen ↑
    261. . Attachment ↑
    262. . Commitment ↑
    263. . Involvement ↑
    264. . Belief ↑
    265. Braithwaite ↑
    266. Deterrence Doctrine ↑
    267. Thio ↑
    268. Social Reaction(Labeling) Theory ↑
    269. Bernburg ↑
    270. Thrasher ↑
    271. The Gang ↑
    272. Tannenbaum, ↑
    273. Dramatization of Evil ↑
    274. Lemert ↑
    275. Primary Deviance ↑
    276. Secondary Deviance ↑
    277. Cooley ↑
    278. Looking Glass Self ↑
    279. Generalized Other ↑
    280. Crime and the Community ↑
    281. Legal Relativism ↑
    282. Social Pathology ↑
    283. Human Deviance, Social Problems and Social Control ↑
    284. ۴. Sociopsychological ↑
    285. Becker ↑
    286. Outsiders ↑
    287. Meaning ↑
    288. Outsider ↑
    289. Schur ↑
    290. Radical Nonintervention ↑
    291. Retrospective Interpretation ↑
    292. Katz ↑
    293. Seductions of Crime ↑
    294. Shaming ↑
    295. Emotional States ↑
    296. Compulsions ↑
    297. Conflict Theories ↑
    298. Marx ↑
    299. Engels ↑
    300. Means of Production ↑
    301. Alienation ↑
    302. Seidman ↑
    303. Vold ↑
    304. Group Conflict ↑
    305. Quinney ↑
    306. The Social Reality of Crime ↑
    307. Critique of the Legal Order ↑
    308. Friedrichs ↑
    309. Class, State and Crime ↑
    310. Crimes of Domination and Repression ↑
    311. Crimes of Accommodation and Resistance ↑
    312. Turk ↑
    313. Criminality and Legal Order ↑
    314. Theory of Criminalization ↑
    315. ۱. Chambliss and Seidman ↑
    316. Law, Order and Power ↑
    317. Structural Marxism ↑
    318. Law in Action ↑
    319. Left Realism ↑
    320. Lea & Young ↑
    321. What Is to Be Done About Law and Order? ↑
    322. Power-Control Theory ↑
    323. Hagan ↑
    324. Paternalistic Families ↑
    325. Egalitarian Families ↑
    326. Integrated Approach ↑
    327. Turner & Blevins ↑
    328. Integrated Theories ↑
    329. Life Course Theories ↑
    330. Latent Trait Theories ↑
    331. . Trajectory Theories ↑
    332. Crime in the Making ↑
    333. Sampson & Laub ↑
    334. Schroeder ↑
    335. Age-Graded Theory ↑
    336. Glueck ↑
    337. Catalano & Hawkins ↑
    338. Social Development Model ↑
    339. Elliott, Ageton & Canter ↑
    340. Thornberry et al., ↑
    341. Interactional Theory ↑
    342. Agnew ↑
    343. General Strain Theory ↑
    344. . Stogner ↑
    345. Cullen ↑
    346. Social Support ↑
    347. Wilson & Herrnstein ↑
    348. General Theory of Crime ↑
    349. Gottfredson & Hirschi ↑
    350. . Burt ↑
    351. Pratt & Cullen ↑
    352. Self-Control ↑
    353. Low Self-Control ↑
    354. High Self-Control ↑
    355. Ozdemir et al., ↑
    356. Farrington ↑
    357. Antisocial Potential ↑
    358. Predicators ↑
    359. Correlates ↑
    360. Colvin ↑
    361. Differential Coercion Theory ↑
    362. ۲. Tittle ↑
    363. Control Balance ↑
    364. Toward a General Theory of Deviance ↑
    365. Control Ratio ↑
    366. Control Deficit ↑
    367. Predation ↑
    368. Defiance ↑
    369. Submission ↑
    370. Control Surplus ↑
    371. Exploitation ↑
    372. Plunder ↑
    373. Decadence ↑
    374. ۱۰. Predispositional factors ↑
    375. ۱۱. Situational factors ↑
    376. ۱. Verbal insults ↑
    377. ۲. Racial slurs ↑
    378. ۳. Constraint ↑
    379. ۴. Opportunity ↑
    380. Trajectory Theories ↑
    381. Loeber et al., ↑
    382. Authority Conflict Pathway ↑
    383. Covert Pathway ↑
    384. Overt Pathway ↑
    385. Moffitt ↑
    386. Life-Course-Persistent Offenders ↑
    387. Adolescence-Limited Offenders ↑
    388. Patterson & Yoerger ↑
    389. Early-Starting Offenders ↑
    390. Late-Starting Offenders ↑
    391. Jessor ↑
    392. Psychosocial Model ↑
    393. Valencia & Cromer ↑
    394. Irwin ↑
    395. Timing of Biological Maturation ↑
    396. Irwin & Millstein ↑
    397. Social Stress ↑
    398. Rhodes ↑
    399. . Wilson & Sabee ↑
    400. . Expectancy Theory ↑
    401. . Attribution Theory ↑
    402. . Hierarchical Theory ↑
    403. . Weiner ↑
    404. . Cybernetic Control Theory ↑
    405. . Self-Regulating Systems ↑
    406. . Relational Dialectics Theory ↑
    407. . Baxter & Montgomery ↑
    408. Bakhtin ↑
    409. Negative Self-Concept ↑
    410. Self-Esteem ↑
    411. Containment Theory ↑
    412. Self-Image ↑
    413. Self-Perception ↑
    414. Kaplan et al, ↑
    415. ۲. Van Welzenis ↑
    416. ۱. Erikson et al., ↑
    417. Attachment ↑
    418. Commitment ↑
    419. Involvement ↑
    420. Belief ↑
    421. ۶. Stolley ↑
    422. Self-Control ↑
    423. Criminality ↑
    424. Social Learning Theory ↑
    425. Bandura ↑
    426. Skinner ↑
    427. Operant Conditioning ↑
    428. Bellack et al., ↑
    429. Modeling ↑
    430. Reinforcement ↑
    431. Positive Reinforcement ↑
    432. Negative Reinforcement ↑
    433. Shaping ↑
    434. Overlearning ↑
    435. Generalization ↑
    436. Survey ↑
    437. . De Vaus ↑
    438. . Giddens ↑
    439. Questionnaire ↑
    440. . Face Validity ↑
    441. Cronbach’s Alpha ↑
    442. Universe ↑
    443. Sample Size ↑
    444. Sample ↑
    445. . Lin ↑
    446. Sampling ↑
    447. . Multistage Sampling ↑
    448. . DeMatteo & Marczyk ↑
    449. . Kuhn ↑
    450. . Validity ↑
    451. . Reliability ↑
    452. . Test-Retest ↑
    453. . Split-half ↑
    454. . Pearson Correlation ↑
    455. . Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) ↑
    456. . Multiple Regression ↑
    457. . Path Analysis ↑
    458. Quivy & Campenhoudt ↑
    459. – وجود جهت منفی در مقدار T جدول بدین معنی است که با وجود بالاتر بودن نمره مهارت های اجتماعی و ارتباطی زنان، در میان این دسته از پاسخگویان افرادی وجود دارند که دارای مهارت های اجتماعی و ارتباطی کمی هستند. بعلاوه، اگرچه میزان مهارت های اجتماعی و ارتباطی گروه مردان کمتر از زنان می باشد اما ممکن است معنی دار نباشد. ↑

 تصویر درباره جامعه شناسی و علوم اجتماعی

  1. ۱- وجود جهت منفی در مقدار T جدول بدین معنی است که با وجود بالاتر بودن نمره رفتارهای پرخطر افراد غیرفارس، در میان این دسته از پاسخگویان افرادی وجود دارند که دارای رفتارهای پرخطر کمی هستند. ↑
  2. . Stepwise ↑
  3. . Dummy ↑
  4. Error Term ↑
  5. Marcus ↑
  6. . Social Bond ↑
  7. . Smith & Faris ↑
  8. . Johnson et al., ↑
  9. . Heilbrun et al., ↑
  10. Fagan ↑
  11. . Protective Factors ↑
  12. . Risk Factors ↑
  13. . National Institute on Drug Abuse ↑
  14. . Juhnke et al., ↑
  15. . Hawkins et al., ↑
  16. . Hanna ↑
  17. . Kumpfer & Alvarado ↑
  18. . Bilchik ↑
  19. . Werner ↑
  20. . Eith ↑
  21. . Hoge & Andrews ↑
  22. . Keenan et al., ↑
  23. . Flannery & Williams ↑
  24. . Dawson & Reiter ↑
  25. . Sampson et al., ↑
  26. . Prevention ↑
  27. . Losel & Beelmann ↑
  28. . Blalock ↑
  29. . Primary Prevention ↑
  30. . Goldstone ↑
  31. . Jendly ↑
  32. . General Prevention ↑
  33. . Jeffery ↑
  34. . Jacobs ↑
  35. . Situational Prevention ↑
  36. . Information Dissemination Approach ↑
  37. . Affective Education Approach ↑
  38. . Alternative Approach ↑
  39. . Social Influence Approach ↑
  40. . Psychological Inoculation ↑
  41. . Correcting Normative Expectations ↑
  42. . Coping Skills Training ↑
  43. . Problem Behavior ↑
  44. . Social Assertiveness ↑
  45. . Botvin et al., ↑
  46. . Rohrbach et al., ↑
  47. . Intervention Strategy ↑
  48. . Public Health Model ↑
  49. . Mulvey et al., ↑
  50. . Greenberg et al., ↑
  51. . Wilson et al., ↑
  52. . Kazdin ↑
  53. . Cognitive Behavioral Principles ↑
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